
19 April 2023

Giancarlo Zema Design Group wins the 2023 GREEN GOOD DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS | Chicago Athenaeum | USA

The Giancarlo Zema Design Group, Italian architecture firm wins the prestigious Chicago Athenaeum 2023 GREEN GOOD DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS with the ANAS Smart Road Center into Green Architecture Category.

Green Good Design® | Global Sustainability Awards | Green Architecture 2023

The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design have joined forces on two continents to present an innovative and challenging new public program: GREEN GOOD DESIGN GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS.

GOOD DESIGN™ was founded in Chicago in 1950 by Eero Saarinen, Charles and Ray Eames, and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. to promote and foster a greater public understanding and acceptance for Modern Design.

In 2022, seven decades later, this new edition of GOOD DESIGN™ aims to bring a parallel public appreciation and awareness for an equally revolutionary design approach-a new design thinking led by a current generation of visionary architects, designers, urban planners, corporations, governments, individuals, and private and public institutions for a design and a public environment based upon the ideals of energy conservation; the reduction of toxic waste and greenhouse gases; the diminishing dependence on fossil fuels; and a sensitivity for waste, pollution, and the depletion of the world’s energy resources. This new design approach centers on the idea of repairing our worldwide environments with sustainability and for total ecological restoration.

Now in turn and in 2023, GREEN GOOD DESIGN’s goal is to bestow international recognition to those outstanding individuals, companies, organizations, governments, and institutions – together with their products, services, programs, ideas, and concepts-that have forwarded exceptional thinking and inspired greater progress toward a more healthier and more sustainable universe.

Like 1950, when Modern Design was blazing a new direction in design history, GREEN GOOD DESIGN attempts to impact consumer habits, restructure manufacturing output, influence the design of cities and public spaces, and raise a consciousness about our limited global resources and the disappearance of clean air, clean earth, and clean water. The founding organizers of GOOD DESIGN™ in the 1950s introduced Modern Design to the public forefront with passion, innovation, and revolutionary zeal. We aspire the same with GREEN GOOD DESIGN.