
18 October 2021

Swedish Royals in visit to the ANAS Smart Road Center designed by Giancarlo Zema | Rome | Italy

Sweden’s Princess Sofia, Prince Carl Philip, Minister for Foreign Trade Anna Hallber, Anas president Claudio Andrea Gemme, Anas CEO Massimo Simonini and Swedish Ambassador Jan Bjorklund visit the “ANAS Smart Road Center” during a two-days visit in Rome to promote bilateral relations in the fields of trade and investment. The ANAS Smart Road Center surrounded by vegetation designed by the Italian architect Giancarlo Zema, best represents the perfect combination of technology, nature and art, giving visitors the opportunity to touch the “Smart Roads” and the “Green Islands” of ANAS that will be implemented in the coming years throughout the national territory. The architect Giancarlo Zema, who also designed the Green Islands, characterized the outdoor spaces of the center with Luminexence’s products for Smart City, all eco-sustainable and solar-powered. Finally a more sustainable, beautiful and emotional future awaits us.